Thursday, January 10, 2008

Think Our Presidential Candidates Suck?

Take a look at this guy. Who is this handsome man clad in leopard print (wasn't able to confirm if it's print or actual leopard skin, so I went with the more PETA-friendly option)? This is the front-runner for President of South Africa. Now before someone gets all PC on me - Yes, I understand that this may be the traditional dress of his people, but when you're next in line to be the President of Africa's most well-off country, maybe you should re-think the half-naked, spear carrying look. Maybe. Just a suggestion.

His name is Jacob Zuma, and he goes by the nickname '100% Zulu Boy'. Here's the full story on this wonderful example of a human being. If you don't want to read the full article, here are the highlights:

- Jacob has 4 wives and over 20 children.

- He was brought up on rape charges, but gave the ol' "She was wearing a short skirt and, therefore, asking for it," defense. I am not making that up. Apparently, it's the duty of a Zulu warrior to "take" any female that dresses even remotely provocative. Don't laugh - he was found not guilty.

- The victim is HIV-positive. When asked if he was worried about infection, Jacob simply replied that he took a shower afterwards. Oh. My. God.

- Corruption and bribery charges are the going themes of his campaign and administration

- His campaign song is "Bring Me My Machine Gun". That's like Obama coming out and saying his campaign theme song is "F&^# the Police" by N.W.A.

- And let's not forget he's a Communist. Fabulous.

Where is Nelson Mandel? I can't imagine he's Ok with this. Actually, Nelson Mandel and Jacob are from the same political party - the African National Congress. I guess that's like saying JFK and Hilary Clinton are both Democrats (JFK would be a Republican if he were alive today).

If there is one spot in Africa that has a chance of making it out the 3rd world vicious cycle of poverty, it's South Africa. Of course, if this jackass is elected, you might as well kiss that goodbye. In fact, you can probably go ahead and mark South Africa as the next Darfur crisis.