Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finally, We Can Understand Dogs

Science is friggin' awesome. For years, I have always wanted to know what my dog has been saying. You know when a dog gives you the "sideways head confused look"? It's been one of my life-long goals to determine if the dog is honestly confused at what you're saying or if it's more along the lines of, "You are an idiot. I can't believe your species is the most dominant on the planet."

Now, thanks to some bored (and possibly high) scientists over in Hungary, the first dog translator has been invented.

The translator is rudimentary - it can only recognize 6 words: play, ball, alone, fight, stranger, and walk. But I'm confident that in the next 10 years, we will be able to understand statements like: "Hey, my food tasted good the first time, so why wouldn't I want to eat my own barf?"; or "You know, it's about time for me to lick myself in a very socially awkward way."

This is going to go down as one of the greatest inventions of all time - up there with the Internet, powered flight, and hot pockets.