Saturday, December 8, 2007

Johnny Mac is 60 (Not the Tennis Player)

From Guest Commentator B1 -
December Birthdays ...

Happy Birthday John McCullough! Our buddy John has had a trying year .. Mikey got married to the beautiful Becky; Jeremy met the beautiful Amy and now they're engaged; Sean moved home and out again (with a dude! - he is also wearing his Mom's clothes to a party in NYC!!!); John had major work completed in the house (nice HDTV!); Lake Lanier dried up and he lost out on defending Michael Vick. On top of all this he damn near lost an eye and turns 60 this month (much older than his beautiful wife, his best friend and the beautiful Susan).

So to cheer him up I thought we could all chip in and buy him a diamond studded eye patch to wear out to dinner when the prospective in-laws (Amy's) come to town later this month. Obviously if Sean McCullough lends him some of the jewelry he typically wears on a Saturday night our buddy John could be the hit of New Years Eve.
Are you with me on this?????