Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I No Heart Huckabee

Republican front runner Mike Huckabee has been a Cinderella story out of nowhere. Fed up with what they see as a lack of choice, the Christian Right has saddled up Huck and are riding him to victory. Or so they think. Drudge had a story yesterday that claimed Huckabee is the Republican's Howard Dean.

Howard Dean was so fanatical that Republicans were praying he would win so we could have an easy general election. Democrats see Huck as a "glass jaw" and are ready to break him. They think he has so much baggage that he will easily be defeated in November. I agree with them and this story adds to that belief.

Huckabee, in an article that is to be published this Sunday, actually ask:

"Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"

This is also the man who refused to answer the question, "Is Mormonism a cult"? Now, there are plenty of things that I do not agree with in the Mormon doctrine, but by no means would I consider them a cult.

Someone who claims to be a minister is very ignorant of other religions. I am not Jewish but I know the basic tenants of their religion. I am not Muslim, but I would hope that I was able to have an intelligent conversation based on fact and not some crazy Internet rumor.

Governor Mitt Romeny said it correctly last week:
"A person should not be elected because of his faith nor should he be rejected because of his faith."
Huckabee is trying to scare conservative religious voters into thinking Mitt Romeny is some crazy mo-fo who has 10 wives. Huckabee should retract this article ASAP and read a few articles on the Mormon faith. Why is it fair that Mitt has to defend his religion on a daily basis and Huck gets a free pass? Sure, Huck belongs to a more mainstream denomination, but if religion is going to be fair game...lets open up Hucks past.

So far here is the Mike Huckabee list:
--AIDS patients should be quarantined
--He was giddy when it came to tax increases
--Pardoned a convicted rapist who then went on to kill 2 people
--Believes Mormonism is a cult Refused to answer if Mormonism is a cult and thinks Mormons believe Jesus and the devil are brothers. (edited after being corrected by a reader)

It is safe to say that I will not be supporting Huck for President. If he is going to sink to attacking people's religion, how does he have any chance when it comes to the general election. If elected President, is he going to refuse to meet with the Dalai Lama because he isnt a Southern Baptist? Will he reject the Pope's invitation to The Vatican? I think religion is an important part of someones moral makeup. Mitt Romney believes in God and Jesus. That should be the end of the discussion...but leave it up to the media to fan the flames.