Monday, February 4, 2008

The Shotgun Blog

I enjoyed myself a little too much this past weekend, and now my body is making me pay for it. Accordingly, my brain is not functioning properly, and I can't seem to come up with a complete blog entry. Therefore, I am going to throw a couple news stories out there / random thoughts and hope it meets the stringent D&F blogging standards.

- The Muslim PR machine was in full swing this past weekend. In the worst bombing since the surge started, the totally brave "freedom fighters" in Iraq tricked two mentally retarded women to walk into crowded areas with remote detonated bombs. As a rule, I label any suicide bomber as "retarded" but I guess I'm going to have to rethink that one. I would like someone to find a passage in the Koran that says it's ok to use unknowing mentally retarded people to carry out Allah's will.

- In other "what the F is wrong with those people" news, the Iranian judicial system has sentenced two women to death by stoning for adultery. Wait - it gets better. In their first trial, the two women were sentenced to 90 lashes for "illegal relations." I guess Allah wasn't happy with that, so a second trial FOR THE SAME THING was held, and that produced the Allah-pleasing death by stoning sentence.

- Whoever is responsible for naming scandals - the media, pop culture, etc - needs to be a little more creative. Ever since Watergate, the best this country can do in naming a scandal is simply attaching the word "gate" to the end of it. I guess I can let it slide on for the Clinton's Whitewater Gate, but it's just gotten to the point of laziness. Spy-gate? Come on - we used to have things like The Boston Tea Party, The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Tea Pot Dome.

- And finally, this weekend, we found out Britney Spears is addicted to meth. Stop the presses. I totally didn't see that comming.

Well, that's the best I can do for today. I'm on a self-imposed detox for tonight, so I'll be in top shape for tomorrow.