Thursday, February 21, 2008

Must Miss Movies in 2010

In what can only be described at the worst movie idea since Kazaam...Hasbro and Universal pictures have agreed to make movies based on board games. You heard that right…Monopoly will be the first to makes it debut on the silver screen. There is only one person that I know that actually enjoys playing Monopoly longer than 30 minutes (Racecar) let alone watching the game for an extended period of time. I can’t imagine how they are going to make this board game into a real movie that is interesting. The only game that I can conceive of that would make an interested movie is Risk. And basically any movie about WWII is like Risk…except your dealing with real people and not plastic people, horses and cannons (which count for 10 men, might want to hold onto those).

What are the other three movies that will be based on board games? Well thanks for asking. Candy Land, Battleship and Ouija. Whoever thought that this was a good idea needs to be fired and sent to North Korea to head their propaganda department, both take about the same intellect. Battleship might actually be worth a passing thought…but it is a board game, why not just make a movie about battleships and not about the board game. Anyway, we won’t have to suffer through the endless promotions from McDonalds until 2010…so enjoy the sanity while it last.

The paper says,

“No financial terms, or plot details, were released by the companies.”

That is because there are none and won't ever be. You can not come up with a plot based off a board game. But good luck.

Candy Land?? Are you kidding me?