Tuesday, February 19, 2008

African Dictator of the Day

Zimbabwe's inflation rate for the month of December hit 66,212%. This is just another case of a mad African dictator ruining his country. Robert Mugabe, “President” of Zimbabwe, has been trying to get his nation out of this "economic rut" they have been living in ever since he was “elected” President. We think we have it bad here when inflation hits 2% a year. They are seeing inflation of 1.5 MILLION% a year. I didn't even think that was possible. That has to be brutal on budgets.

Since Mugabe has taken over…unemployment is at 85%. That means, for you non-math people, that only 15 out of 100 people are working. Not only is he an economic GENIUS he is a pretty incompetent leader as well. He is pretty brutal to those who disagree, likes to curb people's freedom and has the distinction of being the only person to have an honorary degree taken away from a British university. On top of all that, he hates white people (I hate white people too, but he really hates white people). He seized their farms and gave them away to those he felt deserved them. It is basically a reverse-Apartheid. That didn’t work too well in South Africa and it definitely isn’t working too well in Zimbabwe. In my research on Mugabe I found this gem of a quote:

"This Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for
his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over
their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler
So, congratulations to Robert Mugabe for being named D&F African Dictator of the Day and lets throw in there Little Hitler. Keep up the good work.