Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My father, the inventor of Toaster Strudels The Pringles Can...

This takes me back to Mean Girls when that chick’s dad was the inventor of Toaster Strudels. The inventor (I use the term lightly) of the Pringles can died recently and his last wish was to be buried in the can that made him millions. There are two things that you learn from reading this article. One, this guy seemed a little fixated on his “crowning” achievement and two, the Pringles can is considered an invention. Never have I looked at the can and said to myself, “self…why didn’t I think of that?” Or, “that guy is making a killing, whoever invented a tube shaped container for chips.”

So the lesson on this one boys and girls out there in D&F land…no matter how stupid or small your invention may be…it could one day be used to store your dead body. Think about how much you will save when you don’t have to buy a coffin or urn.