Monday, June 2, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Does this make me look fat? Seriously...does it?

When I die, if I do not get more press than Yves Saint Laurent I am going to be pissed. For those who are incredibly not cultured like me…he made clothes. When I look at movies like Devil Wears Prada or magazines like Vogue or TV shows like Project Runway…I often question what exactly they are bringing to society. My answer is nothing. Fashion designers for the most part design clothes that will never be worn by anyone other than anorexic models.

If anyone out there in D&F land could tell me how Yves Saint Laurent changed your life, please leave a comment. In the 3 minutes of research that I have done on him…I can’t find any life altering work that he did. I don’t mean to be heartless…but come on. There are so many other sad stories of death that we could report on and hold internet chats about (that is what I linked to). Today President Bush honored a fallen soldier with the Congressional Medal of Honor...but I am sure the media is more worried about some fashion designer dying.

So, I am sad for his family and friends but I think we as a society need to re-examine what we value. If we were to look back and see our greatest accomplishments…I don’t think some crappy clothes design is what we will talk about.