Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Well...Good For Him/Her!!!

I am hoping against hope that this is an April Fool's joke. The summary of the article is basically a lesbian couple was not happy with just being a lesbian couple so one of them got a sex change. In the process of going through this change, she/he took some hormone pills. Well one day she/he decided to stop taking them and started having womanly things happen. Well, they wanted biological children. Instead of going the tradition route and have the woman of the relationship get pregnant (she was unable for some reason), the man of the relationship decided to take one for the team.

This is the strange part and I guess I should do a little more research on the subject of take home knock up kits (that’s the technical term). Thomas (that is the he/she’s name) got a take home kit and because he still had some woman organs, was able to conceive a child. I thought that a doctor had to perform this type of procedure, but obviously CVS had them on special. Actually, you probably have to send off to get it from 1-800-NOCMEUP.

Anyway, this is making the news around the world and people are clamoring to interview the happy couple. Apparently Oprah decided to lower herself even further (yes, lower than coming out and supporting Obama) and booked the “exclusive”. That will be another reason never to watch her again. Look for Thomas, in this order, on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN American Morning, Fox and Friends, The Howard Stern Show, Tyra, various local news shows and finally at the Western Ohio Epileptic Society Mud Volleyball Tournament. She is really going to milk her fame.

I guess my main contention is why is this news? I mean, Thomas is still a woman technically. He/she has the parts that matter and he/she isn’t the first sex change dude to have a baby. I mean for real, is this really that important of an issue that we have to dedicate precious internet space to writing about it. The fact that Oprah (who is basically a Saint in our society) is booking these people show how low we have fallen as a society. The most ironic part of the story is that Thomas is a big advocate for same sex marriage…and he/she goes off and gets a sex change and gets hitched. SOLIDARITY!!

The story does say that this could be a hoax or even a segment on Asthon Kutcher’s new TV show. I am kind of hoping it is and this person is not for real. The pictures do look fake. But whatever…here comes a new bracelet color to wear. It will be the teal bracelet to “Support Women Who Used To Be Men Who Are Now Pregnant”. Wear it proudly Thomas!!

On a completely unrelated note…there is a rumor circulating that Nashville has secured the 2020 Olympics. Congrats to us.
Bobby did beat me to this story however mine is longer and funnier.