Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's Scary. Very, Very Scary.

It's becoming more and more evident that Hillary has some serious anti-social tendencies. First, she continued to repeat the whole sniper fire story after it's was painfully clear that the truth was pretty much 180 degrees in the other direction. Then, we get this story of her boss during the Watergate scandal firing her for less than honest practices (and I'm being generous with that description).

Yesterday, while campaigning in Philadelphia, Hillary compared herself to Rocky (because Rocky was from Philly, for you un-American bastards that have never seen Rocky). In an attempt to convince her supporters that she was not going to quit the race, Hillary said, "Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up. And neither do the American people."

Where to begin? First off, Rocky loses in the first movie - not by a knock-out, but by points. The similarities between that and losing due to super delegates is blatant, to say the least. Next, and more importantly, Hillary is all too willing to call it quits in Iraq. In fact, she has said on multiple occasions that we should give up. There is no chance of victory. So what are we to take away from this? Hillary is a fighter, but only when her own personal interests are at stake?

Onto Barack - commenting on Congress' hearing on big oil yesterday, Obama made the case that the "windfall" profits should either be heavily taxed or taken away from big oil. Naturally, the government would then redistribute the wealth in a fair and judicious manner, or something...

It's my belief that if you punish people (or companies) for being in the right place at the right time (which is really what we're talking about here), than you inevitably suffocate the capitalist spirit and system that has made this country what it is. If success if going to be punished, than there is no motivation for success, only mediocrity. Besides, one could argue that Barack received some "windfall" profits with the proceeds of his two books. This effectively moved Barack and his family from firm middle class to upper class in a relatively short period of time. Sounds like Barack is in need of some redistribution of wealth.

And because I'm in a fair and judicious mood this morning, let's talk about John McCain. There are more and more stories popping up about McCain contemplating switching parties after the 2000 Republican Primary. This should come as no surprise to anyone. He's been on the liberal side of moderate since forever. His only true conservative credential is the "Regan foot soldier" mantra, and that doesn't necessarily a conservative make.

So, to sum it all up - all the candidates scare me. It looks like I'm going to end up picking the lesser of two evils. The system isn't perfect, but at least it's not Communism....yet.