With Ohio State not having to play a championship game this weekend, I figured I would help them and their fans out with what to watch this weekend (all times Eastern):
ACC Championship Game:
(6) Va. Tech vs. (11) Boston College 1pm on ABC
Friday, November 30, 2007
College Football This Weekend
Posted by
William Sawyer
8:35 PM
Labels: Basketball, Football, What to watch
Quote Of The Day
It is very rare for D&F to praise anything French...but we have to hand it to French President Nicolas Sarkozy in his handling of the riots of the French "youth". In a speech to the police union he was quoted as saying:
Posted by
William Sawyer
8:25 PM
Labels: Quote of the day
Cartoon Character Elected to Congress
I'm onto you, Henry Waxman (D - California). You escaped from the classic 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit? You know, that movie where cartoon characters magically jump off of the film and interact with real humans? How else can you explain that comically shaped nose? Seriously, that's straight out of a Dr. Seus book. And the male pattern baldness? You look like the God-forsaken offspring of a Whoville resident (The Grinch that Stole Christmas) and any stereotypical cartoon butler character. I hereby demand that you come clean on your cartoon roots. America has a right to know if one of their representatives is nothing more than a bastard cartoon offspring running around wasting time and taxpayers money.
Posted by
6:50 PM
Labels: Roger Rabbit, Waxman, Whoville
This is America's Enemy?
So you're the leader of a country with a significant amount of oil deposits. You're friends with the ultra-cool guys of the UN social circle - people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro, and let's not forget Danny Glover. You got tons of laughs when you called W 'El Diablo,' and what do you do? You take a picture that just opens yourself up for a caption contest. So here it is - the first ever Dink & Flicka Caption Contest. If yours is the funniest, you will receive a pint of your choice, compliments of Bobby. Since I am buying, I am the judge. Winner to be announced on Sunday, December 2, 2007.
Here's my contribution: 'B14 - Si, Si, I sink your battleship. Take that American capitalist pig!'
Posted by
6:30 PM
Labels: Battleship, Capitalist Pig, Chavez, Venezuela
Best Football Penalty 2007
This guy needs a raise. College football is already one of my favorite sports to watch, but adding penalties like this would make it so much better.
Posted by
1:01 PM
You Named Your Kid What?
So the anonymous commentator pointed out that my nickname is a made up word. I maintain that proper names and nick names are exempt from the non-word - idiot relationship rule. But it got me thinking. There are some first names out there that are absolutely ridiculous.
We've all heard the urban legends about a mother naming her children Orangejello (Orange Jello) and Lemonjello (Lemon Jello). I've never met someone with these names or actually read a reputable account of these infamous children, so I don't think they really exist. The following two names / people, however, do exist.
I read about this little girl in a Virginia paper a few years ago. Her father was a columnist for the paper and had decided to use his column to explain why he named his daughter what he did. Note: when you have to use a newspaper column to explain your kids name, and the column is more complicated than "It means King in our ancestors' language" or something similar, you might want to rethink your name selections. The explanation starts out simple enough - something along the lines of: I thought my daughter was a gift from God and an angel, so I wanted to name her Angel. Nice, thoughtful, heartfelt - maybe a little cheesy, but that's ok. Then it gets worst. For this father, the English pronunciation of 'Angel' was too vulgar and crass. He much preferred the French pronunciation because it sounded better. But how would he convey to people the proper way to say his daughter's name? Simply correcting people would not do, so he decided to phonetically spell the name...on the birth certificate...making it her legal name...forever. Onjel.
The second absolutely ridiculous name comes from a friend of Katie, my wife. This friend is a doctor, and like most doctors, she checks the name of the patient prior to walking into the examination room. The patient's name - Yumajeste. The doctor is confused. She walks into the room and gives the name the old college try, pronouncing the name U-ma-jest. The mother quickly corrects the doctor - "Oh no, my son's name is [Yo majesty]."
True story.
Posted by
12:09 PM
Sorry folks but there will not be TSTWBTAT on today's blog. I woke up later than usual and I need to get packed and ready to head home. However, on a positive note, I did earn 13,990 Hilton Honors points this trip. That is the most that I have gotten on a single trip. I am well on my way to the 200,000 points needed for my massive trip in August of next year.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:52 AM
Labels: Hilton Honors, TSTWBTAT
Thursday, November 29, 2007
BCS = Communism
So I'm watching the Rutgers - Louisville game on ESPN, and I can't help but to think back to the beginning of the college football season. The powers that be in the college football world (read: severely biased press) had made insightful predictions and rankings like: Louisville - 10; Rutgers - 16. Both of these teams promptly went onto self-destruct and now have records of 5-6 and 7-4 respectively. To be fair, Auburn was ranked 16, but then proceeded to fall to an unranked Mississippi State and South Florida. We are, however, the only ranked 4 loss team.
Anyway, it dawned on me: The BCS exists to reward otherwise unworthy teams of national prestige. Teams that play in conferences with no championship game (Big 10, Pac 10, WAC, Big East) are giving a free pass to the national stage while other real conferences (SEC, Big 12, etc.) have an actual competition to determine who the best team is. There's a word for a system that rewards people regardless of their accomplishments - Communism.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that one conference is superior to another (SEC kicks everyone else's a--); simply that competition in some conferences is tougher compared to others. Only if there were some system that would pit teams from different conferences against each other. And maybe this "system" would be somewhat separated from the bias of reporters and coaches that rely upon ESPN's College GameDay Final for their opinions.
The lesser NCAA football divisions have successfully conducted a playoff system for several years. How hard would it be to incorporate their model into Division I's bowl system? I'm pretty sure one can devise a system that allows all the sponsors the attention they paid for while giving the country a clear (or at least less cloudy) college football champion. And don't go to the argument students will be away from class too long - do Division II and III students learn better or get less of education? If they can handle a playoff system, surely D-I schools (who happen to have more tutors for the athletes) can.
In conclusion, write your congressman (or woman). Publish blogs that only 10 people will read. Send menacing e-mails to people you think are involved with the BCS. Boycott something. Let's get a playoff system in place, so I don't have to wrap my brain around why Ohio State, after losing to an unranked Illinois team, is going to end up in a premiere bowl game.
The Debate Analysis
Last night was the big CNN/You Tube Republican Debate. This, I think, was the 113th debate of the year or something like that. I have not watched any other debate and am glad that last night was the first one that I sat through. With just over a month before caucus goers in Iowa start to select both the Democrat and Republican nominee for President I figured this was a good time to step into the political spirit. All eight nominees were there and it turned out that it was a good fight. Before the debate I was a little skeptical of the format. What has our democracy come to when You Tube is going to sponsor a Presidential debate? The only thing I could think of was that stupid snowman question during the Democrat debate. If a snowman is going to help decide the fate of the free world…we are in trouble. Thankfully I was surprised at how well I liked the format. Great questions were asked (except of course the ones that were asked by committed supporters of democratic candidates), their answers helped separate the candidates in my mind and the debate was fairly lively (except for when Fred Thompson spoke).
The first part of the debate was the best. The questions were clear and concise. They asked important questions ranging from illegal immigration (Rudy and McCain like it, nobody else does) to the war in Iraq (all of them support it except for the nut job) to the deficit (this is where Mitt and McCain picked up some points). They touched on just about everything I feel that is important. Rudy was beat on just about any point that he brought up. He did not defend the criticism that New York City was a “sanctuary” city during his reign very well. Although I do have to give him credit, he only mentioned 9/11 a couple times. McCain did his best to sound conservative and relevant but his age is his biggest liability and one that I think will prevent him from winning. If I could take his position on the war and his fiscal policy and meld them with another candidate’s age, I think we would have a winner, we could call him McRomney. Huckabee did not impress me. Yeah, he is a great speaker and says good things, but his record in Arkansas does not lend itself to being labeled conservative. And the “oh them” candidates, Hunter and Tancredo, showed up and said a few catchy things (I actually like Hunter, but when Steven Colbert has more support than you, its time to give up). I think the winner the first half was Gov. Mitt Romney. He was strong, confident and well spoken. He was able to effectively go after Rudy and take him down a notch or two. He was able to state his position on the important issues and why he believes it.
The second half of the debate was another story. The questions got stupid, the answers more stupid and I felt stupid. So all and all not a good combination. We had the gay retired brigadier general who happens to work for the Clinton campaign. He wanted to know if anyone supported allowing gays to openly serve in the military. All of them said they supported the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy and he was not impressed. However, someone should tell General Kerr (who should be commended for his service) that he is supporting the wife of the person who instituted the policy he is so against. Then we had an abortion question asked by a committed Edwards’ supporter. Then a “Log Cabin Republican” who happens to support Obama dazzled us with his question. Then there was a creepy dude who asked about the Bible. Pretty sure he stole the Bible from a local Hampton Inn so he could ask a pointless question. The second half of the debate did not go so well for the candidates but if someone stood out it was Huckabee. He did well enough to cement his status as a top tier candidate and should get a lot of support when people go to caucus in Iowa.
There is someone I left out on purpose. Ron Paul. He is crazy and is supported by prostitutes, hippies, and 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Anybody who is mentioned as a potential running mate with Dennis Kucinich should never be taken seriously but for some reason Anderson Cooper continued asking him questions. He is like the crazy uncle at family get togethers that no one pays attention to but has $10 million worth of campaign contributions. He has no chance and should be considered part of the “oh them” candidates but I do not want to insult Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.
Overall a decent debate. CNN needs to do a better job of hiding their plants…funny how when the democrats did this there were not any stories of republicans asking questions. I look forward to the next couple ones to see if my list changes. I hope that conservatives can get together and select someone that can not only win in November but can also stay true to the conservative agenda.
After the debate, here are my top three candidates that I would campaign for (no particular order):
1. Mitt Romney
2. John McCain (however he still has some explaining to do for campaign finance reform)
3. Duncan Hunter (even though he is an “oh them” candidate I like him…maybe a VP nominee)
Those that I would not campaign for:
1. Rudy Giuliani (I could vote for him, but I am not wasting my time going door to door for him)
2. Tom Tancredo
3. Mike Huckabee (if only he were a true conservative)
Those that I am indifferent to:
1. Fred Thompson (if he didn’t have a hot wife he would be in the "would not campaign for" list)
Not even considered:
1. Ron Paul
2. Any of the Democrats
Posted by
William Sawyer
7:07 PM
Labels: Debate, Politics, Republicans
Bobby's Rant of the Day
As some astute anonymous commentator has pointed out, I tend to be somewhat of a stickler when it comes to grammar. I'll blame my 8th grade English teacher who tirelessly drilled the fundamentals of the English language into my head. For the most part, I let the little stuff go - so you mistake "your" (indicates possession) for "you're" (you are) - no big deal. Hell, even I have to religiously use spell check lest everyone I know find out I'm dyslexic.
I do, however, have a problem with people who use non-words and / or create words in an effort to sound smart (people who use words incorrectly falls into this category as well). The absolute quickest way to convince me you are an idiot is to use a word that does not exist. Second place goes to people who spend time discussing inane shows like The Hills, The Real World, Chaotic, and anything involving Paris Hilton. Mind you - I said discuss, not watch, because even yours truly digs on VH1's "Fabulous Life of.." series. I digress.
Irregardless. It's not a word. Not only is it not a word, it's a double negative. People who use this non-word in an effort to sound smart drive me absolutely crazy. Not just because it's not a word, but by using it, you show me that you simply do not comprehend the English language. I work with several people who learned English as a second language, and while they have some syntax problems (putting verbs in the wrong place, randomly throwing Spanish words in with English, or pronouncing English words with Spanish rules - Bojangles becomes Bo-hangles) they don't use non-words.
I'm not perfect; nor do I expect everyone to be perfect all the time. I'm sure while I was in a less than sober state I have used non-words or switched words in a sentence around (I swear to green that light was God), but if you repeatedly use "irregardless," I'm sorry - you are an idiot.
That's all for now.
Posted by
3:41 PM
Labels: Bobby, Irregardless, Rant
Its Time For Sylvia!!
It has been a while since we posted a classic clip from Sylvia Brown. It amazes me that Montel Williams is still on the air, but also that he still has this crazy woman on every week. Here she tells a family that their daughter was shot which is fine and good, except for the fact that there were no gunshot wounds to her body. Good job Sylvia...they wanted to know how their daughter died...don't you think if she was shot they would have known that. Keep 'em coming Sylvia, we will keep posting them.
Posted by
William Sawyer
7:48 AM
Labels: Nut Job, Sylvia Brown
TSTWBTAT for November 29, 2007:
In good news for lazy people:
All you have to do is stand up to loose weight.
In "Armageddon" news:
What’s the big deal...just call Bruce Willis.
In stupid France news:
France Telecom is selling the unlocked I-Phone for $1100.
In thank God he is leaving the SEC news:
Michigan has permission to speak with Techno Bowl King Les Miles.
In creepy looking felon who won the lottery news:
He won $1 million in the lottery...ohhh but that’s against his probation...thats gotta suck.
In great news for the human race:
Britney Spears is NOT pregnant.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wife of the Year
You know you have a keeper when your wife agrees to let you do this. It had to taken a little time to get all the moves down, but it was well worth it. You have a room full of people who appreciate the fact that they don't have to watch you twirl around in circles for three and a half minutes, and you get your reception video posted all over the internet.
Judging by the look of the girl she seems to have had plenty of practice dancing to hip hop songs...with a pole near by...naked. Don't worry this video is safe for work, it is simply a couple dancing to their first song. No bad language, no naked parts, sorry Bobby.
Sean Taylor's Passing - An Interesting Perspective
As you all know by now, the former Washington Redskin safety died yesterday from a gun shot wound he suffered on Monday. The reason for the shooting is not yet known, and we may never find out.
I did not know much about Sean Taylor prior to Monday, but since then I found out he was a star college athlete at the University of Miami, and later became a Pro Bowler with the Washington Redskins. He also has had his fair share of run ins with the law.
Jason Whitlock, a columnist for Fox Sports wrote a great article on Sean Taylor's passing and how his past played a part in his tragic outcome. Jason has a history of writing articles about the African American community and looking within their own communities for the solution to their problems. If you have 5 minutes this is a must read. An expert from the article:
You're damn straight I blame hip hop for playing a role in the genocide of American black men. When your leading causes of death and dysfunction are murder, ignorance and incarceration, there's no reason to give a free pass to a culture that celebrates murder, ignorance and incarceration...
The "keepin' it real" mantra of hip hop is in direct defiance to evolution. There's always someone ready to tell you you're selling out if you move away from the immature and dangerous activities you used to do, you're selling out if you speak proper English, embrace education, dress like a grown man, do anything mainstream.
Jason Whitlock Article
Posted by
William Sawyer
7:14 PM
Labels: Jason Whitlock, News Article
Proper Bathroom Etiquette
While eating lunch today at the beautiful Greenville Mall I had to use the restroom. Being a male, I have the ability to use a urinal. I would like to think I was brought up in the proper way. Respect your elders, love your neighbor, fear God and use correct bathroom etiquette. This last one however does not seem to be taught to everyone. Part of the proper etiquette is to not start conversations with other patrons, wash your hands and do NOT use a urinal next to someone else. I can not tell you how often this happens but today I felt the need to write about it.
Posted by
William Sawyer
3:28 PM
Labels: Bathroom Etiquette, Game, Urinal
Naming Things Muhammad
Given the situation that is happening right now in The Sudan with the British school teacher about to get publicly lashed because she named a teddy bear Muhammad I have decided to come up with a list of things that I will soon name Muhammad to piss off Islamic extremist:
- My pet pig
- Alcohol will now be known as "Muhammad Juice"
- Eye boogers from dogs
- Hippies
That is an incomplete list...so if you have any suggestions let me let me have it. I know that most Muslims are very good people and feel that this teddy bear situation is ridiculous. However this list is for the idiots that live in The Sudan and think that this teacher deserves it. If you happen to know any of those people, please forward this blog to them.
For those who would like to know how a lashing feels here is an account from some poor bastard who was accused of breaking an alcohol ban in the "moderate" state of Qatar. I really can't wait till these people join us in the 21st Century.
Posted by
William Sawyer
2:47 PM
Labels: Islamic Extremist, Stupid
TSTWBTAT for November 28, 2007
In don't make long distance phone calls in North Korea news:
The North Koreans are back at executing people.
In stupid people breaking up with other stupid people on Dr. Phil news:
What has this world come to when two people who meet on Myspace can’t survive.
In your guide to naming things Muhammad so you don't get lashed news:
Guidelines on naming things Muhammad.
In political news:
The worst singer in the world endorses the worst candidate.
In other phone news:
Two years to punish this idiot. Why was he even a judge?
In sports/hydrating news:
The Gatorade man has died. Thank you for keeping me hydrated with Michael Jordan's favorite flavor Citrus Cooler.
In sexually suggestive headline writing news:
The headline writer needs to stop using his thesaurus.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Facts about Mississippi
This week I am working in Greenville, MS but staying in Cleveland, MS. The reason I am working and staying in separate areas (about 30 miles apart) is because Greenville does not have a Hilton Family Hotel and I like my hotel points (I plan on taking a huge trip next year and don't want to pay for it). Both towns however are very small farming towns that do not have websites that offer much in way of fun facts about their town. Therefore, I will supplement this with some facts about Mississippi in general.
- They produce very attractive Miss USA contestants (see picture)
- Friendship Cemetery in Columbus, has been called "Where Flowers Healed A Nation"? On April 25, 1866 the ladies of Columbus, Mississippi decided to decorate both Confederate and Union soldiers' graves with garlands and bouquets of beautiful flowers. As A direct result of this kind gesture, Americans celebrate what has come to be called MEMORIAL DAY each year?
- The Old Spanish Fort Museum in Pascagoula, Mississippi has the honor of displaying the world's largest shrimp.
- Greenville, Mississippi, is called the "Towboat Capital of the World."
- Root Beer was invented in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1898 by Edward Adolf Barq, Sr.
- The world's oldest Holiday Inn is located in Clarksdale.
- Mississippi has more churches per capita than any other state.
- Oh yeah...Greenville, MS does not have a Hampton Inn
- Greenville has many hole in the wall Mexican restaurants
Hopefully this increased your knowledge about Mississippi and when your friends say, "Man, there is nothing interesting about Mississippi" you can correct them.
--Source: Mississippi Local History Network
Posted by
William Sawyer
1:31 PM
Labels: Fun Facts, Mississippi
Best of Craigslist
I am sitting at work...waiting for people to make time so that I can train them on their new software. However, they are car salesman and rarely do they actually want to do anything that might take some effort. So, instead of wasting time sitting, I decided to look busy and post an entry.
You: unsuspecting lonley sad looking boy on subway
Me: Girl with blue Urn I spilled my grandmother on you, im sure you remember, If you see this we should do lunch...this time without grandma
Posted by
William Sawyer
12:26 PM
Labels: Best of, Craigslist
Myth of The Day
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:51 AM
Labels: Myth of the day
TSTWBTAT for November 27, 2007
In "Its November so it must be riot time in Paris" news:
Paris youths have nothing better to do...GET JOBS.
In "hurray for being civilized " news (this story is also linked in the BCS post):
Its alright to name a cold blooded killer Muhammad, but name a teddy bear that and you have crossed the line
In "that must have been awkward" news:
President Bush has to pretend to be interested in Al Gore.
In great news for Auburn fans:
Texas A&M hired someone who is not Tommy Tuberville
In common sense news:
Really...ATV's aren’t safe for children?
This Day In History
On this day, New York City's Macy's department store held its first Thanksgiving Day parade down a two-mile stretch of Broadway from Central Park West to Herald Square. The parade featured large performing platforms that, because they were attached to specially outfitted automobiles concealed beneath them, seemed to float down Broadway. Each "float" had a separate theme: some featured Macy's employees dressed as clowns, cowboys, sheiks, and knights, while others displayed live animals on loan from the Central Park Zoo. The event was created to boost holiday sales and to bring customers to Macy's new flagship store at Herald Square. With an audience of over a quarter of a million people, the parade was a great success, and subsequently declared an annual event. In 1927, a new Macy's tradition began with the introduction of large balloons in the shape of animal or cartoon characters. Felix the Cat was Macy's first parade balloon. Although these literal "floats" tended to command the center of attention, automobile-propelled floats continue until this day--perennial favorites being the Santa Claus float and the traditional Turkey float. Since 1950, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been nationally televised, and millions of Americans tune in to the spectacle every year.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:24 AM
Labels: This Day In History
BCS and Stuff (Guest Blogger Bobby2)
Good article about the absolute stupidity that is the BCS; starts off with the riddle - How can number 1 Missouri be the underdog in the Big 12 Championship? Hang on - I just got done studying for this type of LSAT question. If Missouri is number 1, but got beat by the Big 12 South representative to the Championship (Oklahoma) - then shouldn't Oklahoma be number 1. Hang on, Oklahoma, got beat by 2 unranked teams (Texas Tech and Colorado). Ok, scratch that one. We'll go to the perennial favorite OSU. Nope - they got beat by an unranked Illinois team. Damn it. And so on... I would continue this little game until I could logically get Auburn into the National Championship, but even I can't say that with a straight face this year. Speaking of which, we have one more game with the Cox-man. One more. I have no idea what Tubberville has recruited beyond Cody Burns, but I pray he's given up on the whole "middle-aged 'student' who suffered through some debilitating nerve disorder* so he has the will and spirit to fight and therefore deserves to start every game his senior year" angle. I would much rather keep it simple - a quarterback that can scramble and throw, or how about a quarterback that can throw and at least make good decisions (like throw the ball away when X number of defenders are bearing down on me). Or even a quarterback that doesn't audible every single time the defensive package doesn't resemble one of the four options on Techmo bowl.
I digress. I must now continue my experiments to render the vocal chords of Harry**
On a lighter note - I just got a new stuffed bear. I am going to name it Mohammad.***
That is all.
* - Oh, and no offense to those who have the debilitating nerve disorder. I'm sure it sucks - but I maintain that overcoming that particular hardship is not a get out jail free card when it comes to bad decisions. Sorry Brandon...
** - Full Name: Harry The Most Retarded and Dumbest Cat on the Planet. If it were up to me, Harry and her incessant meowing would be up there with waterboarding and flushing the Koran down the toilet.
*** - Read the news.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Official Recommendation
It is with great joy that I am able to recommend to you, our beloved readers, one of the top new shows of the television season. I know that this comes a little late into the game, however it takes a lot of time and consultation to recommend something.
- Someone nominates something for official recommendation
- Someone has to second it
- It is recommended
Now, that may seem easy and not very time consuming but it takes a while. Now, on to the recommendation:
At the start of the season I saw many adds for Chuck. It was a cool concept. A nerd is emailed all of the CIA's secrets and somehow has them downloaded into his brain. Instead of having a backup CD with the secrets on them, the CIA instead decides to make Chuck an operative and the hilarity ensues. It obviously helps that Chuck has to have a fake relationship with a hottie (Sarah) who he has fallen in love with. I DVR'd the first episode and have been taping them ever since.
The reason Bobby2, Andrew and I have recommended this (Seany has not signed on) is because it is a funny show with a twist of action. It is sorta like Alias meets The Office. It could be that this is a one season wonder but hopefully it will catch on and last. Give it a try if you haven't already been watching. The next episode (Monday Nights at 8pm Easter/7pm Central) will be a good one to jump onto if you haven't been watching, they usually do a little recap at the start of each show.
Anyway, there you have it. Chuck is officially Dink&Flika Recommended.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:05 PM
Labels: Chuck, DF Recommendation
Outrage of the Weekend
For those who either read the post below or actually watched the Iron Bowl (which Auburn won for the 6th straight year...I am really glad Alabama paid Nick Saban $4 million/year to loose to UL Monroe and Auburn) you know that there was an incident towards the end of the game with an Auburn player and a police dog.
What I would like explained to me is why do you have trained attack dogs sitting three feet from the playing surface with guys running full speed in their direction. I can understand crowd control and everything...but that is why you have the army of yellow coats come out. Thankfully Gerard Powers (the Auburn defender)looks fine, but come on. Sacrificing players safety so a couple drunk college students won't jump onto the field is ridiculous.
My suggestion would be to keep the dogs in the tunnel and only bring them out if students start to jump onto the field. I am willing to bet that this will not happen again.
Oh yeah...Auburn won.
Posted by
William Sawyer
12:27 PM
Cornhole...The Official Game of D&F
Over the Thanksgiving weekend we decided to take a page from our Midwest roots and build a Cornhole board. Cornhole is a game that is popular with the Midwest and northeast that is a mix between horseshoes and a beanbag toss. If you tailgate with any regularity you have probably seen people playing Cornhole...you just didn't know it. Below are the pictures from the event and here are the specifications and instructions to build your own.
We spent about $40 on the wood and hardware for the boards and splurged and went with the official Auburn team paints from Glidden which pushed us closer to the century mark. However, if you would like to paint yours with Auburn blue and orange...we got enough paint for about 30 boards. From start to finish it took about all day since we had to wait on paint to dry...but the actual construction of the boards did not take too long.
I enjoyed putting them together. The whole family was involved...even Andrew who entertained us with his Guitar Hero skills. Grizma (Suzy Q) was the seamstress (a word of caution...use heavy material when constructing your bags...ours broke on the first game) and did a great job. Katie filled the bags and Bobby2 helped paint. Grizmo and Seany helped with the manly saw and I kinda just stood around. Christie would have helped but was saving babies...so that is kinda more important. (EDIT: Christie did come up with the design of the board...I was corrected by someone in the comment section)
We will be painting an AU logo on the orange part of the board, but we need to get a stencil first. Overall they look pretty, pretty, pretty good. Let us know if you have any questions...or need some corn (we had to buy a 50 pound bag).
Posted by
William Sawyer
11:16 AM
Labels: Cornhole, directions
Saturday, November 24, 2007
On Saturday November 24, 2007 history was attempted and failed (more on this later) but also it was made. The Iron Bowl. Some say the greatest rivalry in sports history and some would argue the third best. I would side with the former.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that is laying eyes on this blog. We have a lot of fun at D&F but we can be serious every once in a while. We have tons to be thankful for. Don't forget to take time out tomorrow to really be thankful for what God has blessed us with and be thankful for those around us.
Posted by
William Sawyer
12:57 PM
Labels: Soldiers, Thanksgiving
Quote of the Day
"The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity."
Posted by
William Sawyer
12:35 PM
Labels: Quote of the day, Winston Churchill
Jumping the Shark
I was discussing a television show with Bobby2 the other day and used the phrase "jump the shark." I explained to him that this was an accepted phrase in the television insiders circles. He didn't believe me and said I made it up. Little does he know...I am not that creative. Here are the important excerpts from the Wikipedia entry:
- The term jumping the shark alludes to a scene in the TV series Happy Days when the popular character Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli, jumps over a shark while water skiing. The scene was so preposterous that many believed it to be an ill-advised attempt at reviving the declining ratings of the flagging show.
- Jump-the-shark moments may be scenes like the one described above that finally convince viewers that the show has fundamentally and permanently strayed from its original premise. In those cases they are viewed as a desperate and futile attempt to keep a series fresh in the face of declining ratings. In other cases the departure or replacement of a main cast member or character or a significant change in setting changes a critical dynamic of the show.
- The phrase has been used more recently outside the realm of popular culture, representing anything that has reached its peak and has turned mediocre. If one thinks a stock or a sports team or a subcultural phenomenon has reached its peak, for example, one can say that it has "jumped the shark.
I was first made aware of this phrase from Sean. He probably should get the credit for bringing it into my lexicon. So take that Bobby2. I would recommend reading the article, it is pretty interesting.
Posted by
William Sawyer
12:19 PM
Labels: Jumping the Shark
Receive A Call From Borat
Do you love making prank phone calls, but always crack up laughing before you can get the word hello out? Well now you can let Borat make the call for you. If you have a relative or friend that is an icemaker, prostitute, ping pong player, or an assortment of other things that are to racy to put on this blog you can click here to send a personalized message from Borat.
There are a good number of options to choose from, and it is perfect timing for the holidays when you should be calling and connecting with all of your close friends and relatives. What better way to spread the holiday cheer and let someone know they have a nice face like Liza Minelli.
On a side note if you are listening at work you may want to turn your speakers down a little, the messages are not too bad, language wise, just PG-13 rated.
Posted by
William Sawyer
11:14 AM
Labels: Borat, Funny, Prank Call
Wow...Pretty Lame Iraqi Gym Teachers
Where are the 3rd grade gym teachers in Iraq teaching these people the proper way to do a jumping jack. I know that they lived under a tyrant, but that is no excuse. I am pretty sure that the only thing they actually teach gym teachers in gym teacher school is how to do a jumping jack and maybe how to climb a rope. Shameful. I hope Saddam is happy rotting in hell knowing that this is his fault.
Also, I am impressed, as I always am, with the US military. A weaker man would be laughing at these guys, however our guy stays cool, calm and collective and keeps the correct count. Well done.
--Thanks to Eric for forwarding emails to us...about 10% are actually funny and this was one of them.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:14 AM
TSTWBTAT for November 21, 2007
In actual real news:
This new stem cell discovery sounds like it could end the ethical discussion over stem cells.
In pretty obvious sports news:
USA Today finally reports the truth...the SEC is the best college football conference. Take that Big 10
In they are completely backwards news:
Yeah...good job Saudi Arabia...punish the victim. Idiots.
In this kid makes me feel stupid news:
18 year old passes bar and has a job in a firm...but it is in California...does that really count?
In quite possibly the best tradition ever news:
President waste time pardoning turkey
In cranberry news:
A little information on the cranberry...who knew it was so versatile
In "In Touch" is reporting it, so it must be true news:
Billy Ray Cyrus invites Britney Spears to dinner...promises to bring back mullet to make her feel at home.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Fun Facts About Jacksonville
Since I travel most every week, I thought I would start doing a little research and find out some facts about the city that I call home for that week. Since I have a blog...yall get to share in my education. Here are some fun facts that I learned about Jacksonville:
- The City of Jacksonville ranks as the 14th largest city in the United States in population with more than 800,000 residents
- Jacksonville covers 841 square miles
- Home to the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars
- Duval County (Jacksonville's county) had 82 murders last year
- The settlement that became Jacksonville was founded in 1791 as Cowford, because of its location at a narrow point in the river across which cattle were once driven
- The most famous person I could find that is from Jacksonville...David Duval
- The water here smells like sulfur
- The Hilton Garden Inn in Orange Park is pretty nice...I recommend it
- The average low for December is 44 degrees
Thanks to coj.org and wikipedia.com for helping me out.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:49 PM
Labels: Fun Facts, Jacksonville
I love flying the day before Thanksgiving!
Here is a story from today’s edition of USA Today. Looks like I will not be making it home for Thanksgiving on Thursday. I am in Jacksonville until tomorrow and if this guy in the article is right, I will be eating Thanksgiving turkey at the airport. So please feel sorry for me...as that is the entire point of this post. Thank you in advance.
However I was just notified that I will be flying first class to ATL from Jacksonville...so I got that going for...which is nice.
For all those traveling tomorrow or this Thanksgiving holiday...be safe and in the words of our some highway sign "Bee Alert, Arrive Unhurt".
Posted by
William Sawyer
11:09 AM
Quote of the Day
"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything."
--Mark Twain
--thanks to loyal ready Bobby1 for submitting this quote
Posted by
William Sawyer
11:01 AM
Labels: Mark Twain, Quote of the day
Upset of the Century Monday Night 6 o'clock Hour
In other sport news, if you were fortunate enough to be watching CSS last night, or your TIVO, being all knowing and powerful, knew you would want to watch a college basketball game and decided to record it automatically, you were treated to a great game between the University of Alabama and the Atlantic Sun powerhouse Belmont University.
Belmont was able to pull off the upset with outstanding 3 point shooting and a last second put in by senior point gaurd Justin Hare to take the lead and beat the Crimson Tide.
Even though some people don't give much credit to SEC West Basketball schools this was a big game, and a good win for Belmont University. It has not been a good week for Alabama, not only did they lose to Belmont in basketball, but they also lost to UL Monroe (read homecoming game) in football this past Saturday.
Posted by
William Sawyer
8:52 AM
Labels: Basketball, Belmont, Upset
An Email Blog Entry from Bobby2
I saw this on the news last night, and this picture is from Drudge this morning. I couldn't find a full shot with Obama in focus - but during this little rally, he was flanked by two old guys (one being the guy in this picture) holding signs. Apparently, the Obama campaign can't afford the cool backdrops with the slogan on them; they must rely on old guys who, based on the look on this guys face, is quite upset that he has been torn away from watching Matlock. If you have to use human placards, the least you can do is give them a little direction along the lines of - 'Hey, old guy - hold this sign and at least try not to appear like you're about to fall over dead. That would be bad for Obama.'
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:53 AM
The Stuff That Will Be Talked About Today (or TSTWBTAT)
TSTWBTAT for November 20, 2007:
In global warming news:
Heather Mills Says to Drink Rats Milk to Fight Global Warming
In who really cares news:
CBS News Writers vote to strike...so Katie Couric doesn’t write her own stuff?
In "don't go there" news:
Congrats go out to Detroit for finally winning something.
In sports:
Vick Decides to Start Prison Early.
Sorry Ohio State fans...now you actually have to start trying to beat Michigan.
Tom Glavine is back in a Braves uniform...everything is right with the world.
You are now up to date on probably the least important news out there. More TSTWBTAT to come tomorrow.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Take that Drudge
****Dink and Flika News Alert****
It has just been reported to us, from a reliable source, that Belmont University will host the Town Hall Presidential Debate on October 7, 2008. From a press release issued by Belmont University:
"Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., will host the Town Hall Presidential Debate on October 7, 2008. Belmont was one of 16 sites nationwide under consideration to host one of three presidential, or one vice presidential, debates. Tennessee has been home to three former United States Presidents—Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson and James K. Polk—but this will be the first time a presidential debate has been held in Tennessee."
This is exciting news for the Belmont community, and the debate will be held in the Curb Event Center, home to the Belmont Bruin Basketball teams, season tickets still available. The news has yet to break nationwide, but we here at Dink and Flika have our fingers on the pulse of America.
Posted by
William Sawyer
2:05 PM
Labels: Debate, Presidential Election
Quote of the Day
As promised in the press release (which has not been picked up by FoxNews or CNN...yet) here is todays quote of the day:
Posted by
William Sawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: brooke shields, Quote of the day
Random Thoughts About Airport Life
Sitting at the Atlanta Airport I had a few thoughts that were running through my head:
- Why do people think wearing wife beaters and cut off jean shorts is acceptable airport attire? (Also, do they have mirrors at their house?)
- How many Starbucks do you need in one airport terminal? The answer is 3...if you go by Atlanta standards.
- Have you noticed how wide the wheelchairs are now at the airports...pretty, pretty, pretty wide.
- I am very surprised at how clean the bathrooms are at ATL...thank you Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport janitors.
That is all I have right now. Enjoy your day.
Posted by
William Sawyer
7:18 AM
Labels: Airport Life, Random Thoughts, wheelchairs
Why "Bandrew" Hasnt Been Calling!!
We at Dink and Flika are a very close family. My brothers and parents are my best friends. We speak with each other everyday. However, there is one family member (he shall be nameless...his name rhymes with Bandrew Perrill Lawyer) that has not once initiated a phone call with his brothers since he started at a prestigious Catholic university in August.
We always thought that it was because he didn't like us, or maybe because he had broken his phone and didn't want to buy a new one. However it is much worse, he has gotten involved with the wrong crowd. Its sad...I just hope that he has enough protection for the lightning bolt.
Posted by
William Sawyer
4:06 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
D&F Breaking News Alert
We will be back online Monday November 19.
Posted by
William Sawyer
6:06 PM
Labels: Breaking News