TSTWBTAT for November 21, 2007
In actual real news:
This new stem cell discovery sounds like it could end the ethical discussion over stem cells.
In pretty obvious sports news:
USA Today finally reports the truth...the SEC is the best college football conference. Take that Big 10
In they are completely backwards news:
Yeah...good job Saudi Arabia...punish the victim. Idiots.
In this kid makes me feel stupid news:
18 year old passes bar and has a job in a firm...but it is in California...does that really count?
In quite possibly the best tradition ever news:
President waste time pardoning turkey
In cranberry news:
A little information on the cranberry...who knew it was so versatile
In "In Touch" is reporting it, so it must be true news:
Billy Ray Cyrus invites Britney Spears to dinner...promises to bring back mullet to make her feel at home.