Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Naming Things Muhammad

Given the situation that is happening right now in The Sudan with the British school teacher about to get publicly lashed because she named a teddy bear Muhammad I have decided to come up with a list of things that I will soon name Muhammad to piss off Islamic extremist:

  1. My pet pig

  2. Alcohol will now be known as "Muhammad Juice"

  3. Eye boogers from dogs

  4. AIDS

  5. Hippies

That is an incomplete if you have any suggestions let me let me have it. I know that most Muslims are very good people and feel that this teddy bear situation is ridiculous. However this list is for the idiots that live in The Sudan and think that this teacher deserves it. If you happen to know any of those people, please forward this blog to them.

For those who would like to know how a lashing feels here is an account from some poor bastard who was accused of breaking an alcohol ban in the "moderate" state of Qatar. I really can't wait till these people join us in the 21st Century.