Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Receive A Call From Borat

Do you love making prank phone calls, but always crack up laughing before you can get the word hello out? Well now you can let Borat make the call for you. If you have a relative or friend that is an icemaker, prostitute, ping pong player, or an assortment of other things that are to racy to put on this blog you can click here to send a personalized message from Borat.

There are a good number of options to choose from, and it is perfect timing for the holidays when you should be calling and connecting with all of your close friends and relatives. What better way to spread the holiday cheer and let someone know they have a nice face like Liza Minelli.

On a side note if you are listening at work you may want to turn your speakers down a little, the messages are not too bad, language wise, just PG-13 rated.