Friday, March 28, 2008

Barack Discovers The Magic of Guilt Trips

There is one magic phrase that people use when they want to send one on the ultimate guilt trip. Usually, it's employed by mothers when kids have done something wrong; but it's not unheard of for wives to pull it out on special occasions to keep their unruly husbands in check. You know what I'm talking about - it's the "If you would have asked before you did it, I probably would have said 'yes'." We've all heard and / or used this powerful phrase at one point. It's universal.

Barack Obama is no exception. With all the controversy surrounding his preacher, Jeremiah Wright, Barack has been forced to address the less-than nice things Rev. Wright has said about America. Most notably, he gave a speech on race relations in America last week in which he claimed that he was the ONLY person who can solve America's race problems once and for all; that he could bring open dialogue about blacks and whites (click here for a commentary on that).

I digress. In the same speech, Barack actually stated that Rev. Wright was wrong, but Obama stopped short of saying he completely disassociates himself from the good Reverend. That is,until today. On an episode of The View, which will be aired today (check your local listings), Barack says that if Rev. Wright hadn't stepped down, he would have left Trinity United Church of Christ. Man, now I feel guilty for criticizing Barack and his choice of churches. Barack would have totally done the right thing if we had given him the chance. Damn it - now it's guilt trip time.

But wait - like any good guilt trip, the travel agent is trying to gloss over some minor details. Rev. Wright didn't "retire" until last month. And the word on the street is that he "retired" to help Barack Obama campaign. The majority of his "America sucks" sermons were given months and years prior to his "retirement." So my questions is this - when was Barack Obama planning on leaving the church? Was it one those "one more time, and that's it" sort of things? Was Rev. Wright on double secret probation?

When you get down to it, Barack is no different from any other politician out there (and that includes Republicans). They're going to say whatever makes for good sounds bites regardless of the facts. Hillary dodged sniper fire. John McCain was a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution. Barack was about to leave the church.

Ah, the joys of a Presidential election. At least it looks like the Democratic party is going to continue to eat itself from within - that alone makes it worth watching.

Have a good weekend.