Monday, March 3, 2008

Political Silliness Over the Weekend

Man Alive - did we have some good political trash talking going on this weekend! But not from John McCain - he's running a respectable campaign, or something. Actually, McCain probably said some silly things this past weekend, but since I don't want to overwhelm the D&F faithful, we'll stick to the Democratic talkers of trash for this installment. McCain's trash talking will be addressed tomorrow.

If there's one thing the Democratic party has working against it (beside the fact that socialism is a horrible idea), it's the party's uncanny ability to attract complete and utter idiots to endorse their candidates. Yes, I know idiots endorse Republicans, too. But it seems the Democrats manage to find the high-profile ones that inevitably attract significantly more attention. And as it just so happens, two well-known liberal nut-jobs were out stumping this weekend for the cause.

Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) is a well known Clintonite. Bill Clinton appointed him to head-up NATO back in the 90's, and ever since his laughable Presidential bid in 2004, he's been in Hillary's back pocket - probably hoping for the Secretary of Defense job. Yesterday, Clark was in a conference call with reporters, singing the praises of Hillary. This, naturally, led to a criticism of John McCain.

When asked whether or not Hillary would be able to lead the military when necessary, Clark was quick to point out that, while he was in Kosovo, plenty of women participated in the fight as pilots dropping bombs. Um, not to be critical of the retired General, but while there's thousands of women in uniform, Hillary was never one of them. So citing female bomber pilots doesn't really answer the question whether or not she is capable of leading the military. We'll give the General a pass on this one. His intentions were good, right? Women are just as capable as men to lead and fight.

If only Wes stopped there - he continued on to say that McCain's military experience is not the right kind of military experience needed to be President. Wait - so that must mean Hillary's non-existent military experience is the right kind of experience. Well, that doesn't make any sense. According to the General, Hillary's 8 years of first lady duty (a non-military position, for those of you who might think otherwise) more than qualifies her to make tough national security decisions - certainly more so than flying a stupid plane around. Wait, didn't Wes just say that female bomber pilots prove that women can fight? I am really confused now.

Wesley Clark served his country and for that, he deserves respect. However, any respect I might have had for his intelligence is completely non-existent. Attempting to equate being married to the President and serving in the military is idiotic. Just because Hillary was around when Bill decided to launch a cruise missile at an abandoned terrorist training camp does not mean she's somehow qualified to make the same sort of decisions.

On a related note, Gloria Steinem was running her mouth in Austin over the weekend. Instead of attacking McCain on something she might have knowledge about - like women's rights or abortion - she decided to question his POW status. Gloria asked how being tortured for 5 plus years qualifies one to be President. Gloria may have a point - being tortured doesn't necessarily qualify someone to be President. But it does show the sort of sacrifice one must be prepared to make for his (or her) country when President. Friggin' idiot.