Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mean Girls has been proven to be accurate!!

Disturbing news from the annals of academia. According to a newly published book (AKA a huge waste of money) girls in high school who are mean are popular. Again, B2’s theory of paying attention to Hollywood would save America a ton of money. If Casey Borch would have spent two hours one Saturday watching Mean Girls on TBS the thousands of trees that were cut down to publish his book “Modeling Dyadic and Interdependent Data in Developmental Research” (I swear to God that is the title of his book…I am the first to predict this will be an Oprah Book Club selection) would have been spared.

He comes to ground breaking conclusions like this:

“Girls who gossip and exclude others from their cliques are often labeled as popular by their classmates, and nearly all high school cliques are divided along racial lines.”
Thanks Casey for wasting our time and money…and thank you for allowing us to put UAB (where he does his “research”) in the list of schools that allow the obvious to be studied. By the way…this “study” took 9 years to complete.
Thanks to an astute Alabama Eye Bank employee for sending the tip in.