Monday, March 10, 2008

Law School: So Easy, An 8-Year Old Can Do It

Since he has applied to about 1,043 law schools, I thought William was going to post this story, but he didn't. So I must once again pick up the slack.

In Brazil, an 8-year old boy somehow registered for a law school admission exam. What's more - he took the test and passed it. A little background - here in the States, there is one law school admission test. Conveniently enough, it's called the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). I guess anyone could take it if they wanted to, although I do not recommend taking this test for s--- and giggles. There are way better ways to spend $100 and 7 hours on a Saturday.

In Brazil, each law school administers its own test, and some schools' tests are easier than others...obviously. The LSAT here in the States is full of complicated questions and stupid logic games. Come to think of it, an 8-year old with a decent vocabulary could probably do better than I did on the LSAT. Us adults tend to over analyze things and make the unnecessarily complicated, which, ironically enough, is what lawyers get paid to do. Ahhh...the circle of life.

This reminds me of an old Bush joke. So W and his cabinet are meeting to talk about the war in Iraq. Cheney informs the President that 2 Brazilian soldiers had been killed the previous day. W gets visibly upset. The cabinet is confused and at a loss for words. Finally, Cheney leans over and asks the President if everything is all right. W looks up and asks, "How many is in a Brazilian?"