Tuesday, May 8, 2007

There Goes the Worst Ballboy in the History of Baseball

I thought that ballboys were there to retrieve any foul balls that may have entered the playing field, and to protect the people sitting in the front row from line drives. Now I know that these are Major League Baseball players, and you can't always catch the balls that may come your way, but you have to at least try, right? This St. Louis Ballboy embarrassed himself, and all ballboys around the country with this play. At first it looks like he makes a diving stab for the ball, but when they slow it down you see he didn't even attempt to make the catch. I figure this would be the type of guy that would see smoke in his house and run out screaming like a little girl.

Enjoy the video, even the old lady looks at him with disgust and is thinking to herself that this guy needs to start acting like a man for goodness sake.