Friday, July 11, 2008

Rule #1 When Leaving Comments

This is not directed or intended for the readers of D&F. For the most part, the 13 regular readers we have leave good comments and tend to stay away from making broad generalizations. For sites and blogs that have thousands of readers, it's a different story. Go read any political story. You won't get 3 comments in without someone (Conservative or Liberal) throwing some basless stereotype out there and not backing it up with any facts.

Of course I have an example. We have standards here at D&F, after all.

ABC news, in a shocking break from tradition, actually decided to do a little reporting on Barack's policies and ideas. Although, since Obama is setting up yet another policy change on Iraq, ABC News could be laying the ground work and prepping the masses for the inevitable reality that the US is not leaving Iraq anytime soon. But that's not the focus here.

Sure enough, the comments section turns into the political equivalent of a "Your mama so fat..." trash talking competition. And we get this little gem:

"You Rightwingers are a joke! Your the worst Americans ever! And the dumbest! McCain is not fit too be President let alone dog catcher! He's senile,has a bad temper and loves lobbiests,the rich and big corporations. Besides he wants to bomb,bomb, Iran and have wars forever! John McCain is also bad for the economy and the middle class. He's just plain wrong for America!"

Listen up people - if you're going to start your comment off with calling people "the dumbest" anything, spell check your comment. Because nothing says "I'm a complete moron" better than misspelling simple words and mixing up "your" and "you're."