Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All of Hollywood Not Insane

It's a difficult task finding a successful actor in Hollywood who isn't in bed with far left politics. In fact, the guest list for the upcoming DNC convention in Denver might as well be a copy of the one for a post Oscar party: Ben Affleck, Scarlett Johansson, Warren Beatty and wife Annette Bening, Forrest Whitaker, Maggie Gyllenhaal.

The stars that lean to the right are typically relegated to "B" list status - Steven Baldwin, Chuck Norris....I'm sure there's more out there; I just can't remember right now, which proves my point that the entertainment industry is dominated by nut-job liberals.

Every now and then, a celebrity comes along and surprises me with some common sense. A few years ago, Pat Sajak commented that if there was one group of people universally unqualified to give advice on politics and national policy, it's celebrities.

Today, John Voight gets a D&F "Atta-boy" for his Op-Ed in the Washington Times. Now, Johnny can add "not insane" to his resume, which will look good next to the part about being able to father weird-looking yet strangely-hot chicks.